Frequently Asked Questions
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1) What is covered in a Neighbourhood Plan?
Can Cover
Cannot Cover
Identify areas for protection such as open spaces
Highways issues like parking and speeding
Deliver more infrastructure such as schools,
policing or medical facilities
Local amenities
Planning policies for the neighbourhood area
Proposals for improving the area
Can shape and guide development criteria on layout, design, materials, garden and parking requirements or deciding on infrastructure priorities
Support local businesses
2) What are the stages of a Neighbourhood Plan?
3) Can a Neighbourhood Plan stop development?
No. A Neighbourhood Plan must support the strategic needs set out in the Local Plan; it cannot promote less development then set out in the Local Plan or undermine its strategic policies. National policy is clear that it should not be used to constrain the delivery of a strategic site allocated for development in the Local Plan. This means that a Neighbourhood Plan cannot prevent development identified in the development plan. However, it can allocate additional sites to those in a Local Plan where this is supported by evidence to demonstrate need above that identified in the Local Plan. It can also allocate different sites to those in a Local Plan, but should discuss with the local planning authority why the Local Plan allocations are considered to be no longer appropriate. In rural areas, all settlements can play a role in delivering sustainable development. The plan can shape and guide that development by identifying sites or by shaping development criteria on layout, design, materials, garden and parking requirements or deciding on infrastructure priorities.
4) How does a neighbourhood plan fit into the planning system?
Neighbourhood plans must be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan. Once made (adopted) neighbourhood plans become part of the development plan and are used in the determination of planning applications to guide development in the area alongside other relevant planning policies.